I have now “closed up the books” for the month of August and found out some interesting facts, such as, the fact that we spent 26% percent of our budget on gas. Currently we are 1.4% over budget, which, considering the fact that we bought many staples is actually quite good. Our major expenses were gas and groceries which totaled 50% of our monthly budget. We also spent a large amount on admissions (17%). In the future I think we should be driving less to reduce gas costs. I also think thank we should be more careful when buying gas, because if gas is 20 cents cheaper, it makes a big difference when you’re driving an RV that gets eight miles to the gallon with a 55 gallon tank! Another point I will make sure to get across to my family is that we should buy more fruits like apples, and not stuff like strawberries which are out of season and are usually imported, and thus cost more. Finally to lower admissions I would like us to stop going to places that we go to just out of boredom, so we can go to better places that we will enjoy more.

Josh - this is so so so cool. Remember how scared you were when we were over budget and now it almost all came together by the end of the month! But it was thanks to you being on top of it and holding us to the line. xo,mom